Bravely Exploring the Squalor of a ‘Boy Room’

In her new video series, the comedian Rachel Coster explores some of the foulest, most unsightly corners of New York City. No, not the grimy sidewalks of Times Square or the platforms of especially smelly subway stations.
Ms. Coster trains her critical eye on the squalid apartments of male 20-somethings.
Dusty shelves, sweat-stained pillowcases and teetering heaps of laundry are all staples of the home décor featured in her series, “Boy Room,” which profiles some of the most unkempt bedrooms owned by the male species.
“This series is like watching Hoarders,” one Instagram user commented on a video, “but a little more happy and sad at the same time.” Another raised a more profound question: “R men ok?????”
In a series of minute-and-a-half-long videos, Ms. Coster is led on an apartment tour by an all-too-willing participant, and she investigates the method to each room’s madness. At the end, she offers the Boy Room inhabitant simple tips that could help him declutter and generally get his domestic life on track.
“I’ve been going on dates since I was, like, 18,” Ms. Coster said. “By going to people’s houses, not knowing them that well and their room is such an immediate way to get kind of a really clear picture of what I’m working with.”